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The Rockland Group was established in September 2003 to provide executive recruiting services for the technology industry.  The Rockland Group specializes in the recruitment of sales, sales management, business development, marketing and technical professionals — and supports the hiring requirements of dozens of technology companies.  The Rockland Group focuses on the following sectors : Enterprise Software, Cybersecurity, Cloud/Big Data/Analytics, Data Networking, and Professional Services.  

Dan Murray

Prior to founding The Rockland Group, Dan joined Sonus Networks in 1999 as the first Sales Director covering the Eastern Region.  Dan sold next generation, central office switching equipment to Service Providers and helped fuel the company’s early success—finishing his first full-year at 310% of quota.  Sonus Networks went public in May of 2000 and was the 3rd best performing IPO of the year.

Dan worked at Cisco Systems from 1996-1999.  As a Major Account Manager, Dan sold data networking equipment to associations, labor unions, and law firms.  Dan penetrated 7 of the top 10 law firms in D.C. and sold Cisco’s first switching products into NASD (Nasdaq).  Dan also had significant wins for campus buildouts at AFL-CIO and National Geographic Society.  Dan was #1 in his Operation and achieved 175% of quota. 

Dan graduated from University of Maryland’s Business School and started his career at Cable & Wireless--where he spent 8 years working in sales, sales management, and marketing.

Dan is married with three children and lives in Bend, Oregon.  He enjoys mountain biking, golfing, skiing, hiking, riding motorcycles, and spending time with family and friends.  Dan’s personal milestones include the Marine Corps Marathon, XTERRA Off-Road Triathlon, GolfStyles Golf Decathlon, and the Single Speed World Championships      

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