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Since starting my career in February of 1988, I’ve had the fortune of taking two sabbaticals. The first was when I left Cisco Systems in 1999. Resigning from Cisco without having another job generated a lot of strange looks and commentary from family and friends. Why give up a great paying job and the security of a market leader, they would ask. For me, it’s all about passion I would tell them. The money in and of itself is not enough to keep me interested. I need to feel that passion every day to sustain what I am doing. Taking several months off gave me greater perspective on what I wanted to achieve in all areas of my life.

My second sabbatical came shortly after 9/11—when I left Sonus Networks. After watching the devastation of that day—and the subsequent meltdown of the telecom industry, it was time for me to search for a higher meaning. I left technology sales—and after writing a book, completing a triathlon, and working with at-risk teenagers in the local high schools—I started my Search practice in September 2003. The last seven years have been extremely rewarding in that I have found a business that gives me great passion and meaning. My focus has been on building long term relationships and doing a first rate job for my clients. It’s been a great run and I enjoy the Recruiting business immensely.

That said, I look at the world around me and things look different. My oldest daughter will be 20 years old this Spring, my middle daughter will be 13, and my youngest daughter (who wasn’t even on the radar when I took my first sabbatical) will soon be eight years old. Life is simply moving too fast. Recently, there have been wake up calls all around me. My wife had a health scare last year—from which she is now fully recovered. Several of my clients are battling cancer. One of my buddies recently had a massive heart attack (thankfully he is ok). My golfing partner has a sixteen month old daughter who has an inoperable brain tumor. The list goes on. Everyone looks forward to retirement so they can pursue lifelong dreams. Unfortunately, you can’t predict what the future will bring. Hence, taking sabbaticals is a hedge that allows me to achieve my dreams along the way.

Which I guess brings me to my point. Soon I will be taking another sabbatical to achieve greater balance in my life. Simply put, I’m eager to reflect on what I’ve already accomplished, shift my short term focus towards personal growth, and spend more quality time with family and friends. The end goal is to come back stronger—with more energy, passion and desire to throw at my business.

My intention is to use this blog as a forum for communicating updates and how I am spending my time. Happy New Year and thank you for your friendship, your business, and your ongoing support.

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