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One Proud Moment

My twelve year old has been playing soccer since she was in Kindergarten. After coaching her team for several seasons, I realized her potential outstripped my ability as a coach.

The end of second grade appeared to be a natural transition point for girls who wanted to take their game to the next level. While my preaching of speed, toughness, and energy fueled our team’s early success—Murr was clearly ready for a coach with passion for the game—and the credentials to go along with it.

For the last four years, we travelled the beltway—and down to VA Beach, out to Solomons Island and countless other places as part of her travel soccer team. Weekend after weekend, tournament after tournament—the seasons would bleed together as we played outdoors, indoors, and futsal throughout the year.

Today, my daughter survived final cuts and earned the opportunity to play for her middle school team as a seventh grader. While I have accomplished much over the course of my lifetime—few, if any, occasions have touched me like this milestone. It’s a bit odd, but I find myself overwhelmed with joy. Good work Murr.

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